Protestants hate to think about the camel!

Protestants have given us a profound insight into Protestant thinking. A recent post included the Micro-Catholic Understanding of Jesus’ Teaching:

“It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into Heaven.”

In this case, His Words are both “symbolic” and “Literal” Truth. Catholics can comprehend that.


Am actual camel, when conceived, is as small as a grain of salt. A fertilized camel ova may be made to “go through” the eye of an actual “needle”!

When that camel is born, it will be a “camel that has gone through the eye of a needle”.

It is as if Jesus is talking to each of us, personally, in our age of science and microscopes. The Miraculous Word of Jesus is symbolically and literally true.


Protestants hide from that reality. Outraged Protestants agreed! “It is not true that an actual camel can go through the eye of an actual needle!”

Why would Protestants deny something that is so obviously true?


1. If Protestants respected Jesus enough to believe He spoke “Literal Truth”, they would have to obey The Clear call to Catholic Communion that He repeated fourteen times:

“If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

2. If Protestants respected Jesus enough to believe He spoke “Literal Truth”, they would would receive His Body and Blood by obeying The Church-Founding Decree of Jesus:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

No Protestant wants to believe either of those things.

Protestants always take the words of Jesus “symbolically”. That lets them interpret them any way they want! Protestants turn Jesus into their opinions!


Catholics are blessed to understand. Protestantism is the deification of personal opinions. 45,000 ambitious men invented Marketing Plans. The desires and opinions of targeted donors are the basis and focus of every Protestant denomination.

Protestants love their opinions and desires more than wanting to go to Judgment among: “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

No Protestant believes that Jesus spoke “Literal Truth” about that, either!

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