Protestants have let themselves be led to disrespect Jesus.

Protestants have let themselves be led to disrespect Jesus. We know that because all Protestants disobey Jesus’ Only Church-Founding Decree:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Disobeying He Whom they “say” they worship leads to this confusion: “I believe Jesus is God, but I do not have to obey Him.”

That confusion keeps the mind from thinking clearly. Protestants are unable to answer three simple questions:

1. “Did Jesus say ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’? The answer is “Yes.”

2. “Did Jesus say: “You are My friends whether you obey My commands or not.”? The answer is “No.”

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It is amazing! Protestants would rather spend eternity in agony than be in The Only Church Jesus Founded for a few years on earth! Protestants are too irrational to realize that they must obey He Who will judge them. If they are willfully disobedient, their precious, immortal souls cannot get into Heaven.

Catholics consider how huge a mistake Protestants make. We are grateful to God. “Thank you, Jesus! You have given me the grace to realize that I must obey You! You have not let me be among the vain and gullible. The poor Protestants love human praise more than obeying You. Thank You for letting me be Catholic!”

Catholics are blessed! We are in The Only Church Jesus Founded! We are in The Only Church to Whom Jesus gave “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”!

We have been blessed with the wisdom to not follow the self-serving opinions of men who want our money on earth.

They are agents of those who want our souls for eternity.


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