Protestants reject the “key” to “the keys”

Protestants reject the “key” to “the keys” of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Catholics believe Jesus always told the truth. Catholics respectfully obey Christ’s only Church-Founding Decree:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Those “keys” are the only specifically mentioned “keys to the Kingdom of Heaven” in The entire Bible.

Catholics want to go to Heaven! We want those “keys”!


Catholics consider a “key” fact. Jesus did not give the “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.” to anyone but Peter. He did not re-appear, and give “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” to Luther, Calvin, Billy Graham, Pastor Bob, or anyone.

Jesus did give “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” to Peter. Catholics think logically! “We are blessed by thinking logically! We let logic lead us to The only Church given ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ by Jesus, Himself!”


1. At least 45,001 denominations claim to be “Christian”. Only one has been led for 2,000 years by Successors to the only man given “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.” 45,000 Protestant denominations lack that Personal Endorsement by Jesus”!

2. Catholics are stunned to find how simple things are! “The Only Church led by Successors to Peter has the only ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’. It is Personally Endorsed by Jesus!”


Catholics think logically about our immortal soul. “My soul will either spend eternity in the Joys of Heaven or the agonies of hell.”

Catholics think logically about Salvation. “Jesus told us who could get into Heaven. ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’ Those who knowingly and willfully disobey Jesus put themselves among His disobedient enemies.”

Catholics correctly conclude: “The ‘key’ to Heaven is being in The Only Church given the ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’ Obedience to Jesus is the ‘key’ to ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’

Catholics have a duty to share our blessedly logical conclusions with our beloved neighbors.

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An odd Catholic novel, “Crats!”, may be downloaded free from
