Psyche is Greek for “Soul”.

Among the most destructive heresies, continually reappearing among us from the most vicious tribes of demons living within the over-educated pseudo-intellectuals, are those which try to cure spiritual problems with lesser means.

God, we know, is a Spiritual Being Who has the power to program an entire universe, with us, and our tiny universes, within it. After He programmed the initial download, He continues to maintain His huge, Creation Program so that each of us may decide to move toward, or away, from Him.

Our soul is a similar, but far tinier animating force. Each of our souls wants nothing more than to be united with He Who made it. But, during our days in the clay, souls are programmed to be wrapped in the mind and body it has programmed around it. Each mind and body are similarly wrapped within family and social structures. Within those wrappings are some who would destroy it. The parts of the mind connected to the baser instincts are always saying “Give me _____.” and “I want ____.” Most of those “blanks” will take the soul farther away from He Who lovingly programmed it, and are encouraged by those who feed on the lives of others, which, of course, is why they are “blanks”.

The lost soul lives in a confused mind whose problems are reflected in its body. Those who pretend to help with various mental tricks and chemicals do tremendous harm to confused souls, urged ever onwards by the destructive demons who have taken root within their own minds.

Many such “healers” preface their occupations as therapists and analysts with variations of “Psyche”. They often succeed in utterly destroying the soul by destroying its innate love and affinity for He Who made it.
