Quick review.

Sometimes, it’s easy to get distracted from what catholicfundamentalism.com is all about. Since 1990, the author has been developing the idea that God can program in three dimensions. The Unprogrammed Programmer programmed energies and then compiled them into particles, systems, and beings with amazing speed. He programmed each of us among His other programs. In short, He has programmed the entire universe.

The Roman Catholic Church has long taught that we have free will. Catholic Fundamentalism believes that God has programmed the entire universe to give each of us free will. Since He is not interested in forcing souls to believe and obey Him, every single structure in the universe had to be programmed to let us look at it and freely decide either: “God made this.” or, “This came about by itself.”

To give every person in every age the free will to make that decision, He has programmed things like carbon-14 and similar structures to let people freely choose to believe that some of the programs are much older than they actually are.

Catholic Fundamentalists, for instance, look at the same layers of rock that others think were put in place over billions of years, and say, “Wow! What brilliant programming! Look, He’s even programmed fossils!” Those farther from understanding His power may conclude that the same things arrived in place by a series of accidents.

Once we understand the basic facts about His programming ability, it’s easier to see that He programmed all the structures and motions that there are in order to give people of every age and place the total intellectual freedom to decide to believe in and obey Him. Or, not.

All the ideas that separate us from Him can be clearly seen as soul-destroying theories beloved by those who want us to first minimize and then reject God. They have their reasons. Nonetheless, in every age, from East to West, He gathers a people to Himself.
