A Quick Understanding of a Lot of Things

In the early 1930s, the first automated cotton pickers were invented. Even the crudest of the earliest such machines displaced hundreds of human cotton pickers. Within a few years, millions of poor Southerners in the cotton belt, mostly the descendants of black slaves and white indentured servants, were put out of the only kind of work they knew how to do. Many moved North, into the high-rises and projects built for them by city governments whose New Deal leaders saw their migration as a way to destroy their cities’ solid, Catholic neighborhoods, parishes, and dioceses. Those sound, Catholic organizations were supported by people who believed in private property, and went to Catholic hospitals and schools. They were obstructing the building of the brave, new world of a relentlessly expanding state. The supporters of bigger government wanted to replace the Catholic’s competing educational, medical, and social-support systems with their own groups who wanted the incoming waves of the poor to be made utterly dependent on various welfare schemes, all funded by increased taxes.

Over the next thirty to fifty years, America’s cities were utterly ravaged, transformed from pleasant places to urban jungles. Huge housing projects destroyed one neighborhood after another, each celebrated by a seemingly endless parade of “Urban Planners”. The process accelerated as burgeoning crime rates forced more and more established residents to sell for pittances the devalued homes that had often been in their families for generations. Crime forced them to move to the suburbs. To the joy of the bankers, who’d been eager participants in the process, they were forced obtain mortgages, incur massive debt, and pay trillions in collective interest and higher property taxes.

The huge migration from cities to surrounding suburbs caused endless superhighways to be built. Huge expressways, bounded by high, barbed-wire topped fences, sliced through every city, dividing and destroying decent urban neighborhoods. At the end of this process, environmentalists justified the forcing of whole industries overseas, destroying the income-producing jobs that allowed families to be formed and mothers to stay home with their children.

These changes took place at the behest of various groups whose common denominator was a claim to be doing “good”. First, social reformers destroyed the largely Catholic cities. Then, environmental reformers destroyed much of the financial support for Christian Americans. Some such groups were begun and subsidized by foreign governments and hate-filled people who saw, and used, the opportunities technology provided to loot and destroy a largely Christian America.

It does not matter if we see them as what they claim to be, “environmentally concerned”, “working for greater fairness”, or “striving for equality and social justice”; or if we see them as agents of communist and/or Moslem governments working to weaken us to the point we can be taken over; or if we understand that they are the living agents of the apostate angel. At the end of the day we are faced with a spiritual problem: those who want to destroy love, truth, Church, and family structures are bitter souls who have come together in their hatred for God and their neighbors. They use technology, subverting it to their ends, whether cotton pickers, high-rise tenements, or the internet, to help attain their goals.
