Ranking Hateocracies

The worst hateocracies visit the most hate on their neighbors. North Korea comes to mind. Now, a vast prison camp, the Dear Leader’s drive for power continues to roll over his people. Castro is similar. So is Chavez. The entire Middle East is under the power of those who hate freedom as much as their neighbors.

The hateocracies among us are often overlooked. The Abortion Hateocracy is responsible for more deaths than the three tyrants named above, combined. When we see that some of the most hateful people on the planet are our friends and neighbors, we see how close to us the tentacles that reach up from the underworld are.

We must never forget that. Not only should we pray for them, but also, remember that they are always looking for an opportunity to draw us nearer to them. The most dangerous hateocracy is the closest.

Vanity Takes Human Form, and is Organized into Hateocracies

“I want to be important.” is an unpleasant aspect, even among the best people. When those whose minds are made less effective by hate want to be important, they can only do so by being more hateful.

Environmentalists who want to be important can only do so by reducing the freedoms enjoyed by their neighbors. They quickly turn their innate hostility into a zeal for regulation and control. They become directly important to the object of their hate, usually happy families and businesses. The more trouble they can make for them, the happier they are. If they can put someone in jail for mowing their grass, or for draining a puddle, their jubilation knows no bounds.

Medical doctors who aren’t doing well tend to become abortionists. Their hate is focused on the poor, soon-to-die-an-agonizing-death person on the other end of their pliers. “That’ll fix it!”, they say triumphantly to themselves as another helpless, innocent child is torn to pieces.

Hate-filled people in Russia used Communism as a rallying cry for hate. Those who exulted in destroying their neighbors coalesced in a Hateocracy where the most vicious and brutal rose to the top. From those beloved positions, they terrorized their neighbors. “We’ve been able to extend our Reign of Terror far longer than those wimpy French haters in their puny Revolution!”, they bragged.

The most hate-filled leader of a modern bureaucracy was Pol Pot. He exterminated the largest percentage of his own people of any hater. Somewhere, in the depths of Hell, he writhes in agony, along with his many counterparts.

Once we get away from dealers in actual death, we see levels of hatred representing those who made the killing possible. Planned Parenthood supporters do not actually redden their hands by actually killing. But, it is their funding and support that makes the slaughter possible ensure that their punishment in the pits below includes the worst of endless torture. It will not make up for how important they felt themselves to be for awhile, numbering themselves among “the concerned”.

Rachel Carson did not ever actually kill anyone, but the followers of her environmental religion have brought death to countless millions because by depriving the poorest peoples on earth of DDT. The malaria deaths that were the direct and desired result (There are too many people, don’t you know?) of their activities will be introduced as overwhelming evidence in their souls’ trials. The Judge will not be as enlightened as they’d like, and may have less than no regard for their “social importance”.

Those who wanted Lenin to destroy Czarist Russia with Communism sent Lenin to do their dirty work. He wanted to be important, and became so. Those who financed and set him up, just as those who set up the overthrow of Louis XVI, will be held accountable. Their past importance will have no influence on the Judge.

Somehow, we Catholic Fundamentalists have to do a better job of getting an important point across: The Loving Programmer is able to provide punishment so painful that it makes up for the harm that each vain, important hater did.
