Rape in Egypt

Last Friday, on February 11, 2011, a CBS reporter in Egypt was abducted, sexually molested, and thoroughly terrorized.

Yesterday, Tuesday, February 14, 2011, it was reported that a CBS reporter in Cairo was pulled away from her guards and camera crew and repeatedly assaulted by a gang of 200 Egyptian Moslems. In order to keep from actually having to say something bad about Moslems, the news reports all had the same words: (those in the CBS crew) “were surrounded by a dangerous element amidst the celebration. . . ”

One could read that and imagine that the “dangerous element” was a motorcycle gang that dropped in from San Diego. But, it wasn’t. One could imagine that, “Maybe, Coptic Christians were the ‘dangerous element’ who horribly abused that poor woman. They might have have done it.” But, they didn’t. The 200 men who made up the “dangerous element” were all Moslem. To a man.

Today, not much more information. No arrests. No surprise.

Update: In today’s Wall Street Journal, buried at the very bottom of page six, a tiny article mentioned the attack that happened last Friday. That was it. No hint of it in the little headlines on the front page. It’s especially interesting that journalists are not outraged. Had she been gang raped by a group at a Tea Party convention, this would have been front page news for days and weeks immediately following. But this is buried at the bottom of Wall Street Journal page 6 five days later.

We’ve always known that the state-run media controlled what we saw and heard. It would appear that media silence is easily arranged, even when a media person who’s been loyal to the media, has been savagely attacked by a a media-protected group. Frankly, it’s amazing that the story was released, at all. Will she have to be returned to Egypt so that she can be stoned to death for having been raped?

Women who live in the Middle East report that these attacks are routine. “We are even attacked by boys as young as 11.”, one western resident reported. But, we won’t hear about that. No. We won’t.
