When We Read Prophecies

When We Read Prophecies,

it sometimes helps to read several interpretations of them. Prophetic meanings are often interpreted to fit a point of view, and have to be carefully analyzed.

Most of the prophecies of which we’re aware concern the coming of The Messiah. As we go through the Old Testament, as many have, the number of references to Christ’s coming to earth are staggering. Some of them go into great detail, describing how He will enter into Jerusalem and what will happen to His clothing. Even the manner of His death is predicted in language that exactly fit the actual circumstances of it.

There is one undeniable fact that stands out about the prophets and what they predicted about the Messiah. It is utterly incontrovertible that millions of people have read the prophets’ writing, understood that they concerned Christ, and have become fervent Christians.

It is an equally undeniable fact that millions of others, upon reading the very same prophecies, have rejected Christ and persecuted Christians.

So, what separates the two mindsets? Both consider the same evidence. Each reaches an utterly different conclusion. It may be as simple as concluding that those who reject Christ and persecute Christians have not been given the gift of faith.

The other side may conclude that those who reject Christ and persecute Christians have been given gifts that include superior analytical ability that allow them to see the fraud.

Scripture tells us “By their fruits shall you know them.” This indicates that those whose thinking results in less life and more death, less prosperity and more poverty, less freedom and more regulation, and less love and more hate let us see the results, is writ large in many countries. Less joy, truth, and life is especially obvious in those countries whose leaders reject Christ and His Church.
