Reader questions:

As can be seen on the Catholic Fundamentalism facebook page, many readers ask for answers to questions:

Q:  “Can God create a different reality for me and for you, even if we are standing next to each other?”

A:  He could, but doesn’t.  He has programmed each human program with different gifts and abilities, so each of us sees and interprets other programmed entities differently, but the difference is within us, inherited and learned.

Q:  “Are there an infinite number of realities?”

A.  There are a lot of possible views of reality, but God does not waste time.  He wrote and downloaded The Creation Program so that human programs would operate within it, usually for  “three score years and ten”.  Our job is to get our soul, the essence around which our own, human program was downloaded, into Heaven.  We live in a reality that’s filled with temptations, illusions, deceptions, and lies on one hand.  There’s God, love, and truth on the other.  We take our choice.  Only one Creation Program is needed and it has to be large enough for lots and lots of choices.
