The real anti-semites

The real anti-semites. From Moses to the Maccabees to Marx to Madoff, many Jewish people have long recognized that those most dangerous to themselves are rogue members of their own group. Marx, whose anti-Jewish comments are legendary, set in motion the pseudo-intellectual justifications for socialism that crystallized into reactions against it that wiped other Jews out of wide areas of Europe. Many leading Russian Communists were Jewish. Many of them, and their families, were wiped out by later generations of Communists.

In our own time, Bernard Madoff wiped out the savings and assets of tens of thousands of Jewish families and charities. “How could one of our own do this to us?”, is the anguished question asked repeatedly.

It was bad enough that Mr. Madoff destroyed tens of thousands of individual people and families. He didn’t stop there. He also ravaged Jewish charities, wiping out their assets without a twinge of guilt. His sons, who reportedly turned him in to authorities, may not have been the innocents they portray themselves to be. It’s not improbable that the three of them decided it would be best if father took the blame, while the sons and other associates could plead, “We didn’t know. We just didn’t know. Really, we didn’t know!”

Few will believe anything any of them say. The fifty billion dollar fraud was just too great to have been perpetuated by one person, working alone.

If the fraud had been perpetrated upon them by David Duke, or some other obvious racist, cries of “Anti-Semite!” would fill the airwaves. Oddly, that’s not happening now, in the aftermath of the greatest looting of Jewish property since the Third Reich.

As we explore the reasons why Mr. Madoff is not called an “anti-semite”, we cannot help but draw interesting conclusions.
