Recovering from sin: Part 2

Sin shrinks. A graphic eyewitness account of an abortion visible on a nearby screen made the first-time viewer literally sick. “The needle went in and the baby deflated, like a balloon punctured by a needle.”

Sins that cause death bring about a permanent deflation.

Lesser sins cause shrinkage. Those victimized by slander and libel find themselves deflated. A person who loses his retirement to a scam sees his worth shrunken. And, he, himself, may feel smaller.

Someone who has been assaulted feels deflated. Victims of gossip, insult, and libel feel lessened.

Victims of sexual abuse also have their sense of self-worth deflated.

We begin by taking a deep breath. Then, we identify the problem. “So-and-so did such-and-such to me. I have lost property, self-confidence, or, both.”

How do we recover, especially when we have done nothing to cause the attack on us?

It helps to remember our long, Catholic heritage. We can recall: Every single Saint suffered unjust attacks. So did Jesus. “Hmmm.” we may reasonably conclude, “Maybe, like the saints, I am being tested by this attack.”

As soon as we reach that step, we are on the way to understanding this truth: “Those who hurt others have been hurt, they have not dealt with it, and are crippled as a result.” Then, we may rise higher: “I will forgive.”

Forgiveness may be followed by a further ascent: “I will love my enemy.”

Each step of the way, we can feel energy flowing into our soul, mind, and body.

We have grown and done so by following the instructions of He Whose appearance fulfilled several hundred prophecies.
