Regulating, then rationing.

Bureaucrats love to regulate and ration. Real or imaginary “emergencies” give them perfect opportunities to do so. English bureaucrats, among the worst since Babylon, kept food rationing in place for almost ten years after WWII ended.

They loved it! They got to meddle in the lives of every single person in Great Britain for almost two whole decades. It was the only way such people could become important.

The desire for oneself to attain importance is unbridled vanity. That is at the heart of all regulating and rationing. Electricity, already tightly regulated, will soon be rationed to solve the imaginary problem of global warming.

All of us will have to be closely metered to be sure we aren’t “being piggy”. Fewer generating plants will put out less power and prices will go ‘way up.

They invent lots of “reasons” for responding to this, or any, “dire emergency”. But, all of them boil down to one thing.

They do not love their neighbors.
