Reluctance to Conversion

It’s a never-ending source of surprise that more people aren’t Catholic. It’s even more incredible that most human being aren’t even Christian.

Every human society shares a basic law: few things and thoughts get media focus and attention without approval and payment. It may take years to understand that concept fully enough to realize that the state-run media is only and exactly what it is supposed to be, a hurdle that must be cleared for a soul to attain salvation.

The anti-Catholic outlook that today’s state-run media endlessly broadcast on TV, magazines, newspapers, novels, movies, history books, and popular thought has not changed since Nero’s town criers blamed the first Catholics for burning Rome.

The world continually crucifies Catholics. That’s what it’s supposed to do. Without it, conversion would not be such a challenge and such a triumph. We know which side on by seeing which is more important to us, the teachings of The Church or the prattling of its horde of critics.

When we become Catholics, we separate ourselves from the world. We have moved into another realm, where Heaven touches earth and God touches us. We look the same, but we’re not.

We’re closer to God. We’re lighter.
