
We do not, according to Scripture, have the ability to understand the rewards that await us in Heaven. And, we have no idea of what pain awaits the poor souls sent to Purgatory and Hell.

Dante’s view of the afterlife is so realistic that it has dominated our viewpoint since the 1200s. Interestingly, more people read “The Inferno” than read “The Purgatorio”. And, I think more people read “The Purgatorio” than read “The Paradisio”.

Catholic Fundamentalists have a slightly different take on Hell. We feel that Hell may provide the vain with their version of Heaven. Catholic Fundamentalists think Bill Gates is always a good example of falling behind while getting ahead. Mr. Gates did build a business empire on programming because God wanted a human manifestation of a Programmer who built a business empire using sub-Programmers. God Programmed sub-programming angels who, in turn, programmed particles, compilations, and movements to make Creation. In a week.

Unfortunately, Mr. Gates soon sank into a zeal to expand his empire by flouting God’s love of life. When Mr. Gates began supporting abortion, he lost his soul. Catholic Fundamentalists think he may go to an afterlife where he has to spend eternity, mired in the agonizing flaws of a huge, but imperfect system that he can never, ever escape.
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In other words, our greatest pain is to live, breathe, and suffer forever within the logical conclusion of every vain thought we ever had. Polygamists, for instance, spend eternity having their own families destroyed by those who are a little more ruthless. Those who lose their souls for willingly participating in complex frauds are endlessly crucified by those same frauds.

You’d think that the horror of having to suffer at the hands of those shallower and more hateful than themselves would be enough to drive people to Christianity. Sometimes, it does.

Heaven? There, we are in our loving Father’s hands, and He puts us where we will receive the greatest joy.


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