Save Our Plastic Bags and Send Them to Those in Need

Throughout America, tax-crazed cities are so desperate for revenue they are taxing everything they can.  Now, they are taxing plastic bags.  Tax-addicted bureaucrats justify their new taxes with the usual environmental excuses.  Some cities are now charging up to a quarter for each plastic bag supermarket bag.

Plastic bags are not environmentally hurtful.  No one has ever seen a helpless bird stuck in one.  And, if someone did, so what?  But, though plastic bags are not environmentally hurtful, they are easily taxable.   Collectively, plastic bags offer billions of opportunities  for bureaucrats to pick up a nickel, dime, or quarter for each one.

The fact is, most plastic bags are re-usable.  Several years ago, this author saved every plastic bag he received from every store for one year.  Unbelievably, !

We should save our plastic bags and send them to those in need, those who are viciously and unfortunately oppressed by liberal tyrannies.  It’s one way that decent, caring people can help each other.  We, who love our neighbors, have a duty to help our friends and families escape this punitive tax-grab.

.”, we may say, smugly, nodding as self-righteously as any liberal. Rehearse saying this when you pull out your bags to the astonishment of those around.  It so very enjoyable that we may get a sense of the self-satisfaction that leftists get from publicly worshiping their many idols.

Punitive taxes on plastic bags are coming your way, as well.  While we should save our plastic bags and send them to those in need, it’s also necessary to look out for ourselves.  We should keep a few bagfuls at home.

Plastic bags can be worth their weight in copper.

There’s another reason to hold on to plastic bags.   Depending on how high the tax-addicted drive their value, a plastic bag can be worth its weight in copper.  As the leftists drive up the value, future generations will say, in utter astonishment, “You mean, you used to your plastic bags?”

So, we should save our plastic bags and send them to those in need as well as keeping plenty for ourselves.
