Schism brings death and destruction.

Catholic Fundamentalism believes that all Christians should be Pro-Life and that all Pro-life Christians should be Catholic.

The two greatest failures caused by Protestant schisms are clear:

1. Abortion abounds. Nearly a billion unborn children have been killed by abortionists. More have died because of life-destroying Only The Catholic Church strives to protect all life, from the moment of conception to a natural death. Protestants waffle on these issues. They ignore “Thou shalt not kill.” because, well, it’s easier. Since 1973, abortion has become even more entrenched. As long as Pro-Life people are splintered, fragmented, and weakened by schisms, abortion cannot be stopped. The choice is clear: Pro-life people need to become Catholics.

2. The “Scourge of God” is now falling on the lapsed Catholics of Europe and North America. He is allowing Moslem invasions to punish the once-Catholic countries the same way He let chastise the Greeks, taking their lands and Constantinople, to punish them for having left The Church. Protestants, beginning with Martin Luther and continuing confusion with their Divisions of Division, keep The Church from organizing the necessary political structures to stop the invasions.

If we do not return to The Church Jesus Founded, we are lost. The deaths of our most helpless neighbors will continue. Moslem invaders will go on killing. More and more Christians will die while bribed politicians keep a divided Christianity from defending itself. Schism brings death and destruction.
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Why don’t ministers encourage their congregations to become Catholics? Sadly, even as their churches are dying from division and dying senior citizens, they don’t want to lose their jobs. Their wretched little jobs. Their wretched little idols. That vanity and fear are the two arms of the crucifix on which Christianity is being crucified.

Since they will not lead their people, in ashes and sackcloth if necessary, back to The Church, the awful slaughters of unborn and born will continue.

Schism brings death and destruction. The eternal fate of the schismatics is clear.


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