Anti-Catholics have tiny, dead places in their brains.

For several months, anti-Catholics have been writing on the Catholic Fundamentalism Facebook site.  They usually begin in a polite manner.  When their beliefs are met with opposition, many virulent schismatics became so insulting, rude, and boringly repetitive that they must be banned.

There were requests from loyal, Catholic readers to “Please, ban them!”  I felt compelled to let the anti-Catholics stridently denounce us Catholics and our beliefs, thinking,  “We must be able to learn something from these irrational rants.”

Months of insults helped Catholic Fundamentalism discover what causes virulent anti-Catholics to be so illogical, irrational, and hateful.   Microscopic sections of their brains have “gone dead”.  Anti-Catholics have tiny, dead places in their brains.

Is that answer to be found in Scripture?  Does the Bible say that anti-Catholics have tiny, dead places in their brains?

The withering and dying of places in anti-Catholic brains is actually the “death” to which Jesus referred when He told us:  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood, you do not have life in you.”   We reasonably conclude that if you do not have “life in you”, then you must have “death in you”.  That “death” refers to the little “dead places” in the brains of extreme anti-Catholics.

Since those who hate Catholics are alive, the “death” to which Jesus refers must be of that tiny part of the mind that recognizes great truth about God.  That place in the human mind can only be brought to life by receiving His Body and Blood as a Roman Catholic in communion with The Roman Catholic Church.

That’s why He said:  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood, you do not have life in you.”  Those opposed to doing so actually have little dead places in their brains.  They can only be brought to life by eating His Body and drinking His Blood.

One logical conclusion:  Anti-Catholics cannot see the obvious truth about The Roman Catholic Church because  such thoughts hit the  “dead place” in their brains.  They cannot absorb Jesus’ words:  “Thou art Peter, and on this rock, I build My Church.”  Those words also hit the dead place.  They cannot relate those words to His teaching:  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood, you do not have life in you.”  The place that could understand that is dead.

Finally, the dead places in their brains keep them from reaching the only logical conclusion:  “The one way Jesus said we could have life in us is to properly take Communion in The Roman Catholic Church. If I become a practicing Catholic, I get my brain back.”

Human minds can only come fully to life if Christ’s Body and Blood, atoms and molecules of them, can get through the barriers of vanity and bring the dead places in their brains to life.   Those life-giving particles from “The Bread of Angels” are only available in The Roman Catholic Church.

No wonder the culture of death hates us so much.
