Science is the handmaiden of theology

In the Middle Ages, European societies built on The Church knew that science is the handmaiden of theology.  Many monks studied the sciences and became expert in them.   Faithful Catholics laid the foundations of what would become modern science. 

They did so while believing that The Church, linking man to God, was superior to any knowledge that man could discover.  The study of God was believed to be the highest human endeavor.  So, they believed that, as its servant, science is the handmaiden of theololgy.

Scripture tells us of a “revolt” in Heaven.   Lucifer, and those whose vanity prompted them to follow him, were thrown out of Heaven.  On earth, scientific vanities prompted many to leave The Church.  Their conceits allowed them to abandon the notion that science is the handmaiden of theology.

What is called “science” has been elevated to a position on earth that Lucifer wished to attain in Heaven.  We should recognize that, and be especially careful not to abandon God for the self-worship that, on earth and in Heaven, separates the lost from the saved.

Science, loosed from The Church, has brought many evils upon us.  The worst of them, from the point of view of life, are abortion and birth control.  Worse than that willful destruction of real and potential life  is the idea that human thoughts are so profound and human accomplishments are so great, that they make obedience to God unnecessary, and even harmful.

As more people are raised in unawareness that science is the handmaiden of theology, more fall into sin and error.  All around us, vain and rebellious spirits encourage humans who are susceptible to such thoughts to worship the thoughts, people, and things of Creation. 

Increasing a person’s distance from God causes problems, both in this world and the next.  We help to close the gap by remembering that, in a well-ordered society, science is the handmaiden of theology.
