Once we see that

Once we see that

God can program in three dimensions, we may unite the disparity that exists between theology and science. In the Middle Ages, it was largely understood that “Science is the handmaiden of theology.” During the reformation, emphasis was shifted from The Church to the state, and from theology to science. That may help us understand that “reformation” is not always a step forward, resulting, as it has, in millions of aborted babies, destructive wars, taxes and regulations that are more akin to slavery than freedom, and generations of lost souls who’ve wasted their own eternities attempting to find salvation where it wasn’t, isn’t, and can never be.

Science is nothing more than the study of His programs. Each field of science studies limited aspects and numbers of His programs. They pay little attention to other programs and give no time at all to considering He Who programmed them.

Scientists who break through to Catholic Fundamentalism understand that science is self-limiting; nowhere in any state-supported science are employees allowed to even consider The Programmer. Instead, most science is funded by those who wish to separate man from God, eliminating Him as a Prime Mover, pushing Him ever farther back in time, thus proclaiming, and, to them, proving, His inability to do anything worthy of their august consideration even as they glorify the power of whatever state they’re in by building vast pyramids of lies to justify ever more funding.
