So, what do we, who see the danger, do?

First, we understand that Hugh of St. Victor had it right. “Those who choose to do evil are part of the body of the apostate angel.” We recognize that those who move people to destroy us are not men, but spirits. As St. Paul tells us, “We do not do battle with men, but with principalities and powers.” Hugh and St. Paul are both right, we are doing battle with those in the body of the apostate angel. His body is made of people whose twisted spirits are devoted to the destruction of life, love, and truth.

We, who are part of the Body of Christ, are part of a more powerful spiritual force. It behooves us to request Programming Assistance from He Who programmed us and from His Son, The Program Who took human form and lived among us. We ask the Holy Wireless Connector to transmit our pleas for help to The Programmer, and to bring God’s Programming Assistance to us.

We do not, as did the people of Hippo, or Constantinople, want to wait until the looters are at the gates. So, we start asking, now, for Programming Assistance. “Please, God, erase and rewrite their programs of hate, and replace them with love. If more direct help is needed, please provide it.”
