When we see people whose positions we despise

When we see people whose positions we despise on live TV, there is a natural tendency to mentally dislike them as much as we dislike the conclusions to which they have come. When such a person (Barney Frank comes to mind) is announcing the false beliefs held by those who value vanity more than truth, we can silently curse them for being wrong, hateful, or crooked.

It’s better to pray for every person we see who’s hiding or disguising truth. “Dear Holy Spirit, please get into that person’s soul and mind and re-program him to love the truth. Quickly lead that person to renounce lying. Bring that person to love God and his neighbors. Move him to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”

Such prayers actually cause the Holy Wireless Connector to make the spiritual connection, send an angelic communication into the person’s mind, and begin to re-program it in accord with The Programmer’s Operating Instructions.

At many moments during the day, we get to see public officials and their shills blatantly lying on live TV. Rather than roll our eyes, or, worse yet, curse the person for bearing false witness, it’s better to say, “Holy Wireless Connector, please sent a re-programmer into that person’s mind and straighten it out.”

As more and more of us do that, The Programmer’s power will increasingly make itself felt. We save ourselves the spiritually damaging feeling of anger that hurts our own souls while doing far more than is immediately apparent to help liars turn to truth, haters to love, and bad to good.

Try it. It helps us learn to better love our neighbors, keeps us from short-circuiting our own minds and souls with negative feelings, and actually helps those for whom we pray to get their individual programs aligned with The Programmer’s.
