Seeing that our “nouns” are adjectives gets us closer to The Programmer.

Our basic, human egoism manifests itself by calling things that God has created “nouns”, subjects that are real in and of themselves. In reality, each thing that we are able to sense is the result of a Divine Program. All human “nouns” in all human languages are merely our labels for His programs. It has been this way since The Programmer asked Adam to name the animals He programmed. This minimal contribution, because of our vanity, continues to make the process of naming much more important than it is.

When seeking truth is combined with humility, we see that our nouns are merely crude labels for the complexity of whatever program we are considering. Our own “verbal vanity” is so entrenched it’s practically invisible to us. A couple of days ago, following any of our “nouns” with “Program”, as in the “Robin Program” was mentioned.

Each part of the Robin Program is another program. We can see its Feather Program, Beak Program, Wing Program, Flight Program, Eye Program, and we know that within it several Metabolic Programs are operating that allow each Robin Program to sustain itself during its run-time.

If Catholic Fundamentalism can encourage the humility of seeing that His Programs are the underlying reality of all there is, and understanding that human nouns are really adjectives that describe each part of His awesome power, it has done something worthwhile.

You many find this a thought worthy of sharing. It’s always fun to tell people they don’t know what they’re talking about. This particular Catholic Fundamentalism argument makes that statement more broadly than any other in history.
