Selective News

Today, scientists report from Washington and Oregon that windmills kill 6,500 birds and 3,000 bats in those two states every year.  Their cause of death is invariably indicated by a “slash” from the windmill blades.

That report is being largely ignored by the state-run media.  Instead, today countless newspapers, magazines, and television broadcasts are all showing several pictures of an oil-covered pelican on the Gulf Coast.


Today, two industrial auctions were announced.  One is for a never-opened bio-diesel plant in Germany.  The other is for a solar panel manufacturing facility in another European country.  There will be many, many more such auctions as alternative energy is abandoned by governments facing bankruptcy because they wasted time and money on wasteful, silly projects whose only hope of success lived in the minds of the faddy, the easily led, and those who profited by the global bamboozlement involved..
