Self-hating whites.

More than any other people in history, Caucasians in Caucasian countries are richer and freer than any of Shem’s, Ham’s, or Japheth’s children. So, it’s no surprise that members of the other two tribes are desperate to get into Caucasian Countries.

Catholic Fundamentalists understand that’s because most Europeans are descended from the 12 Tribes, which began with Shem. That’s why most white people are Semites. Our ancestors were familiar with the First Programming Log (Old Testament), and were quicker to accept the validity of the Last Programming Log. The societies based on those Logs valued love, truth, and obedience, so those societies are the targets of those who have chosen hate, lies, and ego-mania.

That closeness to The Programmer has manifested itself in riches and freedom. But, just as there were Jews against Jerusalem, there are many Caucasians who plot against their neighbors. Such neighbor-haters have always sold out their fellow countrymen for bribes.

The hatred that many white people have for other whites comes from the sins they embrace. They invite the demons of Pride and Envy into minds. Anger and Greed quickly follow. Fortunately for us, Sloth slows them down.

Neighbor-hating is sometimes camouflaged. “Equal opportunity” is a perennial excuse for destroying people. “Equal opportunity” and “fairness” are buttressed by ever more laws and agencies, all of which seek to destroy Caucasian excellence in every field. Soon, the insanity of such notions is extended to animals, which are, in extreme cases, given quasi-human “rights”.

White people are continually attacked. Spear-heading that onslaught are self-hating whites. It is the enemy’s hope that we are all enslaved, then, destroyed. Just as Benedict Arnold sold out his fellow freedom-fighters, so there are many Caucasians who will sell us out. The Demons convince them that loving their neighbors is the greatest sin of all.

We, who know that neighbors are there to be loved, begin to fight back by understanding that their hatred comes from the utter lack of love in their lost and lonely lives. Prayers access the rays of love that emit from The Programmer. Prayers direct that holy energy into the disordered, demonic minds flooded in chaos and hate. One can picture angels surfing down the rays of love into the dark corners of the haters’ mind.

Our goal must not be to hurt the hater. Our job is to request The Programmer to get rid of the demons who freely chose to become hate by getting them away from us.
