Self-righteousness, one cornerstone of the left.

When ideas of loving God, truth, and neighbor are removed from consideration, only the self is left. Those who focus on themselves invariably elevate their “selves”into an exalted state from which they are able to look down on all those whose thoughts, words, and actions are different than theirs.

Those with excessive self-love frequently demean their neighbors. The more such a person insults his neighbors, the better he feels himself to be. Soon, the insulting leftist is only comfortable with others who hate their neighbors to a similar degree. That hatred then justifies theft, and, finally, murder.

Haters, themselves, will become hated by others who hate. Some are hated because they hate too little, others, because they hate too much. As the descent into self-love continues, even those whose hatreds are the same are despised for not being different, even as the different are condemned for not being the same.

Various leftist blogs are literally bursting with hatred. Insults stream out of them endlessly, and none of the insulters care if they are right. Their only concern is lashing out at some enemy, whose words and deeds are not sufficiently filled with hate. One of the most wonderful things about the internet is the opportunity it provides to see how many people have made the spewing of hatred their life’s work.

Hatred, like a snowball rolling down hill, grows until it smashes apart or is melted by warmth. Providing love and kindness is the best way to deal with the self-righteous. They are so unused to love that receiving it may help them to see that there is something more important than they.
