Sheep get into Heaven. Goats don’t. All reality boils down to that. Each person has been given a part in The Big Movie. We write our own lines. We play the part we choose.
There are few facts to guide us.
Was The Big Movie set was downloaded in living memory? Is all we see the result of coincidental accidents that ended up, by accident, with us?
Some seek answers. Others, distractions.
Those who seek answers find one odd truth. Some of Abraham’s children wrote down “messages from God.” They were preserved and spread at great expense. Many messages mentioned a “Messiah”.
Prophets predicted that He would be born of the small Tribe of Judah from The House of David. The time of His arrival was predicted so accurately that three who studied the prophecies arrived at the right time. They were told of other prophecies that predicted the tiny village in which The Messiah would be born.
They arrived at a manger in Bethlehem when Mary gave birth to Jesus. He performed many miracles. Prophecies predicted the manner of His death. He would “be lifted up before men.” “No bone of His would be broken.” “They would look on He Whom they pierced”. “He would rise from the dead on the third day.” Hundreds of prophecies came true.
To get around that, some said “They re-wrote The Old Testament to make it apply to Jesus.” The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered. They were written before Jesus. They validated the accuracy of many prophecies.
His obedient sheep respect He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies enough to be in The Only Church He Founded.
His sheep know we must strive to be among those of whom He said: “You are My friends if you obey My commands.” We obey. We are in The Only Church He Founded. We are Catholics. There is no other way to obey His Great Winnowing Command: “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”
Sheep get into Heaven.