The sheer frustration

The sheer frustration of watching a horde of lemmings race toward a cliff is the feeling many of us have regarding the “vicariate system” that looks ever closer to being foisted upon us. It’s supporters aren’t the only lemmings rushing to destruction. We see global warmers, ozone hole alarmists, ice cap worriers, and stem cell proponents, all too worried about Imaginary Problems to think straight.

In recent years, the flood of lunacies has risen. We watch bank bail-outs that can’t work, economic plans that are doomed to destruction, and endless projects that are sure to fail. The manic stupidity being foisted off as “good” has risen to levels never seen in history. We can but assume that God has turned His face away from the formerly Christian countries.

What do we do? From erring bishops to bumbling bureaucrats to quasi-governmental agencies desperate for funding, we have but one choice. We have to love them, no matter how incompetently they behave, no matter how much they cost us, no matter how much harm they do. We must fear more than anything that we may do something that will make Him turn away from any of us

Catholic Fundamentalists believe that such lunacies are allowed to exist in order to exercise our free will. We can decide to look at those involved and find very good reasons to hate and despise them. Or, we can choose to love our neighbors.
