Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

If you’ve downloaded “New Road to Rome” in the “books” section of this site, and gone through the last half, you’ll have seen that human history can be reduced to understanding the struggles between Noah’s children.

Today, the children of Japheth dominate China, and are focused on looting Ham’s children in Africa and destroying Shem’s children wherever they can. The most highly organized Japhethites have taken Mongolia and Tibet from their cousins, and are driving the remaining Caucasoid sons of Shem out of the eastern stretches of Russia. At the same time, they are destroying the West’s manufacturing base and reducing the sons of Shem to industrial helplessness.

Shemites, today, called Semites, as usual, are hopelessly divided. Republicans battle Democrats, socialists battle conservatives, Christians battle unbelievers, all looking for a chance to make a few dollars or save a few souls.

The largest state of a people that thinks they are the same is always the most dangerous. Germany used to be the most dangerous state. Now, it is China.
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America’s response to fighting China is determined by its falling birth rate. If America, and its ideals of freedom, are to survive, it must grow. Currently, it has thrown open its borders to immigrants. At the same time, efforts are made to join Mexico, Canada, and the United States into a de facto nation.

This would replace what were the solely Semite states of Canada and the U.S. with a Japhetic amalgam from Mexico and Central America. The common denominator? Christianity.

It may work. Or, . . .


Only Catholics make The Correct Connection between God and us! We “Watch!” to be sure we keep our connection so that our soul may be saved! ~ Question 1: “What is the ‘Profound Statement’ and ‘Hard Question’ in Isaiah 63:16-17?” Answer: “Isaiah recognizes The Simple Truth about God in this ‘Profound Statement’! ‘You, LORD, are […]

May we all be blessed to keep quiet enough to get those “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”! ~ Question 18: “Why did James tell us that only a few of us should be ‘teachers’ in 3:1 ‘Only a few of you, my brothers, should be teachers, bearing in mind that those of us who […]

Jesus left One Church on earth so that all may find His “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.” ~ Question 1: “Why is ‘Holy Vanity’ so important to Catholics?” Answer: “‘Holy Vanity’ lets us realize that our most important work on earth is getting a favorable verdict from Jesus Christ at HIS Final Judgment of […]