The shortest day of the year

The shortest day of the year

is always a relief. Things are looking up from here for the next six months. In that six months, we have time to enjoy longer days and more light. We need more light, especially in terms of what’s going on with the world’s governments.

Things have rarely looked darker. Health care is going to be diminished at the same time its costs will escalate rapidly. The Western World is rapidly running out of energy, and no new nuclear reactors are planned. We will see our utility bills going through the roof, and those who impoverish us will, in true nanny-fashion, wag their fingers and tell us “We have to protect the planet. It’s the only one we have.”

Catholic Fundamentalists don’t see it that way. We believe there is a Kingdom beyond. One way to get there is to love our neighbors, so we can’t hate those who will kill with worse medical care and more abortions. Even though dozens of people just froze to death in a European cold snap, and more will die here as heating becomes more expensive, we still can’t hate those who inflict misery and death upon us.

“‘Vengeance is mine’. sayeth the Lord.”, and we have to trust Him to take care of them. That trust relieves us of hate, which is a wonderful thing not to have to carry around within. We know, from the Book of Revelations, that the altar before The Throne is filled with souls clamoring for justice. They will get it, and so will those who caused them to be in a position to cry out for it.
