Should Catholics laugh or cry when Protestants quote Jesus?

A very hard question: Should Catholics laugh or cry when Protestants quote Jesus?

Protestants proudly proclaim their faith in Jesus by quoting: “I am the way, the truth and the life and no one comes to The Father except by Me.”

Protestants love to repeat that! They look very sincere to show how serious they are! They will nod wisely to affirm that truth.


But, all Protestants refuse to “come to The Father” by gratefully obeying The Holy, Church-Founding Word of His Son! “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Protestants love to repeat: “no one comes to The Father but by Me.”. They think they can “come to The Father” while willfully choosing to disobey The Son!

Protestantism makes no logical sense!


Catholics see how ridiculous it is to say “I am the way, the truth and the life” and then willfully insult Jesus by choosing some other way!

Catholics know it is impossible to “come to The Father” while we willfully disobey His Son!


Protestants think they can “come to The Father” by merely parroting the words they disobey!

What causes people to live in such an awful contradiction?


The demons of vanity short-circuit logical thinking. They keep Protestants from realizing this simple truth:

The only people whose souls are in Heaven must be among: “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

No one who wants to go to Heaven willfully disobeys He Who Fulfilled the Prophecies! But, that is what Protestants let themselves be led to do!


Should Catholics laugh or cry when Protestants quote Jesus?


We only pray: “May they obey.”

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