Similarities of lies.

All lies are told for illicit gain. All liars value earthly things and positions more than they value obeying The Programmer. Demons keep them focused on these goals.

Those who wanted to profit from the dissolution of the monasteries under Henry VIII told lies that exalted individual freedom. “Do free men have to listen to the Pope, his bishops and his priests? No! God wanted us to be free!”

Before the French Revolution, similar cries for “Freedom! Freedom! You have nothing to lose but your chains! ” preceded the bloodbath that was to follow. That became, under Napoleon, a tsunami of slaughter that obliterated an entire generation of Frenchmen.

The same cry for “Freedom!” became an excuse to bring the entire Russian people under the most brutal enslavers in history.

Now, The Programmer has given those countries over to the enemies of all good English, French, and Russian people. Even now, the recurring cry for “Freedom!”, (in this case, freedom from global warming, rising sea levels, air pollution, unfairness, etc.) keeps them from returning to the easy yoke and light burden of The Programmer’s operating instructions.

They continue toward annihilation and slavery, sliding down the well-greased slides of lies. None of them realize that only by returning to The Programmer and His Church, the only defense of true freedom on earth, can they be rid of the demons that have infected them so badly that they are disappearing.

When any person or nation, turns away from His love, they are defenseless against the forces that have chosen lies, hatred, and death over truth, love, and life.

The vanity that causes men and nations to abandon God makes us easy prey for the forces of death.
