Simplify the complex.

To Catholic Fundamentalists, the world is a simple place. God, The Programmer, is able to program in multi-dimensions. He can, for instance, program the particles that make the atoms that make the elements. He can compile those elements into compounds, program compounds into structures. He programs some structures into beings.

He programmed us with free will. To be sure we had it, He had to program the world so we could freely choose to believe how old it is. So, He had to program layers of rock, seams of coal, carbon-14, distant stars, and all the other things men could look at and believe instead of believing in Him and His Word.

Why did He go to all that trouble? He loves us, and wants us to know the joy of knowing Him for all eternity. All we have to do is choose to believe in Him.

Or, complicate the simple.

Most government programs exist by over-complicating what could be simple things. The simple McGuffey Readers taught generations to read. Those teachers hadn’t gone to college, but were students who’d just graduated from the same school their pupils attended. The smartest girl to graduate usually became the teacher.

Now, of course, reading is taught by endless specialists who have mucked things up so thoroughly that ever-fewer children read as well as their parents and grandparents. They have made things so complicated that it’s hard for most children to read at all. Same with arithmetic. Now, thanks to one over-complicated theory after another, hardly any high school student can do long division or find square roots, let alone do algebra and calculus.

Everyone on the other side obtains income by making things more complicated than they are. Simple things like salt and sugar become targets of regulation.

Why is there such a difference? The difference is between loving one’s neighbor as oneself and not doing so. In fact, those who profit from unnecessary confusion actually hate their neighbors. Not a wise way to utilize their free will.
