
In the Middle Ages, scholars taught that “Science is the handmaiden of theology.”

One of the first things that the Culture of Death did was sully that notion. Now, many academics believe that religious people are actually deranged, often dangerously so.

God’s truth hasn’t changed. Even an atheistic scientist who values truth more than funding is, essentially, a religious person. He may be an atheist, but at least believes in something more profound than a larger bank balance.

Few ideas can help simplify as much as Catholic Fundamentalism’s definition of God as “Unprogrammed Programmer”. As we grow in considering His ability to program Sub-Programmers who, in turn, can program more Sub-Programmers, some with the ability to program and organize what we are programmed to see as particles, the universe becomes a vastly simpler place.

Those who make a living from needless complexity are not amused.
