Sin measures the gap between us and The Programmer

When an uncorrupted disc is inserted properly into a computer, it hums happily away. When we are obedient to the Operating Instructions, we hum happily away in the suburbs of The Kingdom of God.

In our age, computers exist to show us a dim reflection of how God operates in Trinitarian form. The Programmer, The Program (Jesus Christ, The Program in perfect, loving, human form), and The Holy Wireless Connector keep us in touch with a perfect power source, whose pure wavelengths are interrupted only by our wilful separation from Him.

On a disc, a little bit of corruption may lead to a whole lot more. We want to be sure, when we our thoughts, words, or actions are not in accordance with the Programming Instructions (Church and Bible) that we always remember we can get rid of that which separates us from God and which separation causes all the misery and unhappiness that we ever have.
