Since Luther, things have gone downhill.

pieppiper big During “The Thousand Year Reign” described in Revelation, the Church kept Catholic Monarchs in check.  The Church provided balance to the state.  Since Luther, things have gone downhill.

With Luther, “the dragon was unchained from the abyss.”  Luther was used to fragment The Church.  Soon, there were no more checks and balances over governments .  States became more tyrannical as The Church was fragmented and its properties given to those who engineered the attacks.

Monarchies were replaced with the vanity of “One man, one vote.”   That shameless appeal to to pride worked!  “I am not very smart, and I don’t know very much.  But, my vote is just as good as those who know more and care about families and freedom.”

Sinful, slothful people rejoiced.  “We can organize and take money from our neighbors!”

Catholic ideas of right and wrong were replaced with “There is no right and wrong!  My beliefs are as good as anyone’s.”

In politics, Democracies replaced Catholic Monarchies.  The idea of “One person, one vote.” shattered Christian unity.  “I am my own church!”

The reply to criticism has become “Everything is relative.”  As a result of “the dragon unchained from the abyss” we now are besieged with:

“Good is evil, evil is good.”

“Smart is dumb, dumb is smart.”

“Boys are bad, girls are boys.”

“Life is death, death is life.”

“Knowledge is ignorance.  Ignorance is knowledge.”

“Love is hate.  Hate is love.”

Popular morality boils down to “Those who keep me from what I want do not deserve to live.”

The increasing fragmentation of Catholic Doctrine has brought us where we are.  Now, we live among throngs of Godless souls.  They clamor for self-gratification and are organized to get it.  Since Luther, things have gone downhill.

Even the smarter Protestants find the endless, shrieking demands to be appalling.  Now, in our Post-Protestant Era, the only cure remains:

“If all who understood became Catholic, things would be better in every way.”
