Smarter Catholics look to the money

Smarter Catholics look to the money.  We see that the abuse scandals have cost The Catholic Church about three billion dollars.  About 40% of that went to the professional trial lawyers who brought the suits.

The Church lost three billion dollars.  Plaintiff attorneys made one hundred and twenty billion dollars in contingency fees.  Many of the cases were unsubstantiated.  Many were outright lies.  The Church let Herself be financially “crucified” by the power of greed and the judiciary.

Smarter Catholics look to the money.  We know there are, literally, a hundred times more abuse cases in the Public Schools.   Smarter Catholics look to the money.  We understand:

“The trial attorneys are merely warming up!  If they can get three billion dollars out of The Church, they can get a hundred times more from suing Public Schools!  They can get $300,000,000,000.00, three hundred billion dollars, and keep 40%!  They will get $120,000,000,000.00 for themselves and those who aid and abet them.

Wow!  A hundred and twenty billion dollars in contingency fees for a handful of plaintiff attorneys!  They laid the foundations for the coming attack on all taxpayers.  They already have organizations with paid organizers and sign-carrying shills.  They have incredible media support.

Smarter Catholics look to the money.  We see what those who let themselves hate The Church won’t admit:  they have been manipulated by the cunning marketing plans of trial attorneys.  They have let themselves be used as pawns in one what will be one of the biggest money-grabs in history!

Who will pay?  All of us!

Property taxes will have to be raised.  Rents and mortgage payments will skyrocket!  All of us will be poorer.

We deserve to be.  It is one price we pay for letting vanity lead us away from The Only Church Jesus Founded when He Decreed:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven. . .”
