Snobbery Leads to Slavery

At the heart of the desire for government employment is the thought: “I need a government job. It may be a job that doesn’t need to be done, but it will pay me twice as much as I can make anywhere else, along with the best possible benefits and pension.”

Throughout Europe, unemployment rates for young whites are hitting 40%. At the same time, millions are not accepting low-level private sector jobs while they wait for friends and relatives to utilize all possible connections to get them into government jobs that will probably never materialize. “I’m not going to work in food service, retail, or take any job that will get my hands dirty.” is the spoken, and unspoken, mind set.

Thinking that we are too good for that which we’ve been offered offends God. He has programmed each of us with the abilities and capabilities that we have. If we take full advantage of every opportunity, we will do better than if we merely sit around waiting for something better to appear on the proverbial silver platter.

Paralyzing snobbery, at heart, comes from both pride and fear. Prideful vanity demands the highest pay for the least work. Fear comes having a low status job lowers one’s social standing.

If successful, the applicant for a government job will be forcing his fellow citizens who work hard doing “real” jobs to subsidize him for the rest of his life. That’s not a very nice thing to do, and has a negative influence on the person that increases the subjugation of his fellow citizens with the disparity of his salary and his ever-more poorly compensated countrymen without such prosperous “jobs”.
