Some Catholics wonder: “Was G. K. Chesterton an actual Prophet?”

. Is this odd prediction from Chesterton an actual prophecy?

Millions of people have loved the writings of G. K. Chesterton for a hundred years. At the same time, many have hated his writings. Why? “They are ‘Too Catholic’!”

A character in several of Chesterton’s writings was named “Horne Fisher”. Chesterton identified him as “The Man Who Knew Too Much.” Chesterton seems to be describing Himself!

We see the symbolism! “Horne” describes both the sort of “horn” on a ram and the sort of “horn” that is a trumpet.

“Fisher” symbolized the “fishers of men” described in Mt. 4:19 and Mark 1:17: “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.”

Chesterton used “Horne Fisher” to “trumpet” a call to all! “Put political concerns in their proper place. Be faithful to The Only Church Jesus Christ Spoke Into Being with His Holy Word: “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


Chesterton’s descriptions of people are interesting. For instance, he describes the good habits embraced by most Jewish people. “They love and take care of their families.” And, he knows that some will follow He Who Fulfilled the Prophecies.

Other descriptions of his are less popular! One story in which Horne Fisher appears is “The Bottomless Well”. Chesterton describes the financial greed behind England’s wars and useless conquests. An odd line jumps out near end of the story about: “twenty Yankee Jewesses marrying The Prime Minister”.

What an odd thing to say! A hundred years later, do we see a Prophecy about one “Yankee Jewess”?

Chesterton’s words make us think of Ghislaine Maxwell, the daughter of a rich, corrupt Englishman. Robert Maxwell is reported to have stolen over 500 million dollars from his own employees’ pension funds! He died mysteriously on his yacht.

Then, Robert Maxwell’s daughter moved to New York. She actually became a “Yankee Jewess”. Ghislaine helped procure young girls for Jeffrey Epstein. He, and she, induced many men who were richer and more powerful than “Prime Ministers” to join in video-taped “blackmailable depravity” at his mansions and island of debauchery.

Was G. K. Chesterton an actual Prophet? If so, there are only 19 others whose names we may or may not recognize.

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