Some worship God. Others worship “earthly approval”.

Catholics know: The “approval” of Jesus is the most important thing on earth.

Question 1: “Are souls worth money?”

Answer: “The devil buys many souls.”


Question 2: “What does the devil use for money?”

Answer: “Salaries, pensions, benefits, and approval.”


Question 3: “Approval?”

Answer: “Those desperate for ‘earthly approval’ sell their souls more cheaply than anyone!”


Question 4: “Why will people sell their souls for ‘earthly approval’?”

Answer: “‘Earthly approval’ makes our spirit feel good about itself.”


Question 5: “What kind of ‘approval’ do our spirits seek?”

Answer: “Many love to hear: ‘You show that you are smart and good because you think, say, and do what we tell you.’


Question 6: “What else drives people to want ‘earthly approval’?”

Answer: “Fear of earthly disapproval.”


Question 7: “What makes people afraid of disapproval?”

Answer: “Earthly punishment! ‘If you do not obey, you will lose your salary, pension, benefits, and approval.’


Question 8: “What can save our souls from fear?”

Answer: “Obeying The First Commandment, ‘Thou shall have no gods before Me.’


Question 9: “Does loving and obeying God set us free from our need for ‘earthly approval’?”

Answer: “Yes. Those who buy souls with ‘earthly approval’ hate for anyone to love God and obey His Words.”


Question 10: “As we believe and obey more of God’s Words, do ‘approval worshipers’ hate us more?”

Answer: Yes! They order their followers to obey fewer and fewer of God’s Words.”


Question 11: “Are Catholics hated for obeying This Word of God? ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’?”

Answer: The devil and his followers do not ‘approve’ of anyone wanting ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’!”


Question 12: “Is there a better reason to be Catholic than to go to God’s Judgment and be forever among ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’?”

Answer: “Catholics know it is better to have our souls in Heaven forever than have ‘approval’ on earth.”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
