Something actually new

Today’s Reading is from Mt 11:28-30. You will find it interesting to briefly review and then see one of the first “new interpretations” that helped begin Catholic Fundamentalism:
“Jesus said: ‘Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For My yoke is easy, and My burden light.’”
For two thousand years, conventional Christians have interpreted to mean that obedient Christians who do the Lord’s work pull a load that’s really not very heavy.

That’s as boring as Pastor Bob. Now, for: Something actually new: “My yoke is easy and My burden light.” is a perfect example of how the Word of God predicts, and relates, to current technology.

We respect God enough to apply His literal teachings to our own time. A “yoke” was a device that transferred power from an animal to a plow, chariot, coach, buggy, wagon, or something else to do useful work. Today, “My yoke is easy” refers to a perfect power transfer device. Today, His yoke would be as an infinitely adjustable automatic transmission that effectively transfers maximum power from an electric or an internal combustion engine to do useful work.

From that viewpoint, we more easily make the leap of understanding that His yoke takes the power of God in Heaven and transmits it, through The Catholic Sacraments, to us. With His yoke, we may ask that a Catholic priest in The Only Church Jesus Founded remove Original Sin at Baptism, give us us Absolution at Confession, provide His strengthening Body and Blood, join us in marriage, and transfer other powers to us as needed. To have that power transferred to us, we obey His simple Operating Instructions. That’s a little of what He meant by “My yoke is easy.”

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Above, below, and on the earth, from the deepest mines to the highest space stations, those who wish to overcome darkness have a burden that is “light”.

His “yoke” removes the heavy weight of sin. His burden of “light” lets us see through gloom and confusion to steer clear of danger.

“My yoke is easy and My burden light.” helps us, in our time, see our way to Heaven and do what’s necessary to get there.


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