Something illogical happens in Protestant minds!

Something illogical happens in Protestant minds! Every Protestant agrees: “We believe in Jesus and The Bible.”

And, every Protestant avoids obeying Jesus’ Only Church-Founding Words in The Bible!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


Catholics are genuinely puzzled. “How can a person say ‘I believe in Jesus and The Bible.’ and then ignore The Words of Jesus that are in The Bible?”

Something illogical happens in Protestant minds! They choose to live in The Great Contradiction. They willfully disobey He Whom they say they believe in!


Many Protestants become angry when faced with The Great Contradiction in which they have chosen to live! “I know all I need to know! I know all I want to know! Leave me alone!”


We do know that most Protestants are descended from Catholic families and peoples. In many nations, families have been Catholic for over a thousand years! Their faith withstood famines, plagues, invasions, and upheavals. They remained Catholic!


America is God’s Last Test of Faith. People see the incredible prosperity. They connect it with Protestantism. “I would rather be a prosperous Protestant than hold firm to the Faith of our Fathers!”

To be a Protestant, they must embrace The Great Contradiction. “I will disobey He Whom I say I believe in!”


At first, they pick denominations that have some similarity with some Catholic Teachings. Those denominations have Donor-Chasing Teachings. They began to allow easy divorces, remarriages, fornication, abortion, pills, and implants.

Their own children are often destroyed by broken marriages and artificial birth control.


The Price of Protestantism is high: Fewer children and grandchildren. Even that is not enough to let them seriously consider the eternal benefits of obeying Jesus!

Something illogical happens in Protestant minds!

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