Something is missing. It’s Mary.

When we see the multitude of unhappy women, one common denominator must be considered: unhappy women, and men, do not think much about Mary, the Mother of God. She is missing from their minds and the words and deeds that come from them. When we see their many crystallizations of unhappiness taking to the airwaves, the hatred within many is almost overpowering. For some, it has become a way of life.

Catholics have the great advantage of growing up with an awareness of Mary that’s unknown to most Protestants and all the godless. Knowing that our Savior was brought to earth by Mary’s loving obedience, raised by her kindness, influenced by her gentleness, guided by her faith, protected by her courage, and launched into His ministry at Cana at her direction actually makes programming changes in a person’s mind, opening it up to an awareness of God and His power.

As a result of their faith, Catholic women have more respect for Mary. They see her as she truly is, the Mother of God. Through her, the prophecies could come true. Without her, they could not have been fulfilled.

Being continually reminded of her importance engenders within Catholic women more respect for women, more respect for themselves, for children, for husbands, for families, and for love. Those without that love are lost to the degree that they are without it.

When we think of the most often repeated prayer in Catholicism, Catholic Fundamentalism reverently realizes that Mary will help to provide Programming Assistance for those who ask. “Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord (Loving Programmer) is with Thee. Blessed art Thou among Women (truly great is your closeness to The Loving Programmer) and blessed is the Fruit of Thy womb, Jesus (The Program, downloaded on earth, through Mary). Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners (please ask The Programmer to provide the Programming Assistance we need at this time), now, and at the hour of our death (and ask Him to provide Programming Assistance so that our own, individual programs may be saved from final damnation when our soul leaves our body), amen.”
