The sons of Ishmael and slavery.

The sons of Ishmael think there’s nothing wrong with slavery. Today, Arabians buy many slaves from the Sudan and other parts of Africa. Those whom they kidnap and purchase are condemned to lifetimes of servitude. Those who buy them don’t think they’re doing anything wrong.

Currently, the going price for a young Negro slave in the Sudan is in the neighborhood of $20.00. Several Christian groups try to buy the slaves, and set them free. The Ishmaelites are upset about that. They think it “doesn’t make us look good.”, and would prefer that we simply ignore the entire process.

Spiritually, not all Ishmaelites are descended from Ishmael. Some come from other ancestors, but are so interested in owning slaves of their own that they don’t mind enslaving their neighbors. They don’t do it as blatantly, with chains and whips.

Those who want free labor from others now use the legislative process to turn their tax-paying neighbors into slaves. Most of us are enslaved half of each year in order to pay the taxes levied on us by those who “own” the taxable portions of our lives. While our lives are not as bad as the slaves in Arabia, they’re heading in that direction.

The Loving Programmer went to all the trouble of making us a universe that would provide us with free will. He does not like slavery because slaves do not have free will in as many areas of their lives as He wanted. But, His command to us is clear, “Slaves, obey your masters.”

So, we do. We know that we will be judged on how well we obeyed Him, and that they will be judged on how much freedom they took away from us. Those who want more tax-slavery in the countries that were once Christian are learning much about enslaving their neighbors from the sons of Ishmael.
