Our soul is a dust mote with free will

Catholics are blessed to see how small things are.  Each of us is began with two, tiny cells from our parents.  In our beginning, the blueprint that would become us was no bigger than a dust mote.

We get a better idea of the size of our souls when a sunbeam lights up tiny motes of dust in the air. Our soul is a dust mote with free will.

Catholics realize that we are not seeing the light.  We see the dust motes that reflect it.  The reflected light changes in wavelength, and make them visible.

The entire room in the picture is filled with dust motes.  Only some of them are in the sunbeam.  In our own rooms,  a sunbeam may let us see the size of our souls and how they relate to The Light of God.

The dust motes in the light are visible.  There are far more dust motes outside the light than there are in the sunbeam. They are lost in darkness.  The “light of the world” is He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies.

Our soul is a dust mote with free will.  We may move into The Light, or stay in the darkness.

Those who choose to be in His Light are the dust motes in the sunbeam.  We who receive His Actual Body and Blood of Jesus in Catholic Communion have obeyed His Command:  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

We are in the light!  We have “life in” us!  Our soul is our essence.  Our soul is a dust mote with free will.   Each of us is the essence of our reflection.
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Catholics are blessed to be in, and reflect, His Light.  Our soul is a dust mote with free will!

Catholics understand so well that Our Church Doctrine, unchanged for 2,000 years, still teaches, in writing:  “Life must be protected from conception to natural death.”

Those who choose to remain in the darkness support denominations that are too afraid of losing donations to clearly condemn, in writing, the artificial birth control that kills billions of the tiniest unborn babies, dust motes with free will.

Best to be Catholic!  Best to be in the light!


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