My soul will live forever, somewhere.


Our tiny soul, a spark smaller than a grain of sand, begins to burn from the moment of its conception.   For nine months, it coalesces our spirit, mind, and body around it.  Many understand:  My soul will live forever, somewhere.

Many conclude, “How do I spend eternity in Heavenly Joy?”

We find we are in a marketplace!  From every side, we hear from denominations that excuse every desire:  “I can get you to Heaven!  I will praise you for being smart, wise, and good, no matter what you do!  Follow me!  Do what you want on earth and go to Heaven!”

45,000 competing denominations claim to have “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”.  Pride leads us to find one that will provide excuses for every desire.

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Catholics blessed with an honest view of history know that The Disciples ordained by Jesus spread The Catholic Church throughout the Roman Empire.  For three hundred years, Catholic priests were ordained in living link with Jesus’ Ordination of The Disciples.

Catholics were viciously persecuted.  For three centuries, the first 30 Successors to Peter were painfully martyred.  So were hundreds of thousands of faithful Catholics.   In 313 A.D., Emperor Constantine’s Edict of Milan made it legal to be Catholic. By then, The Church had winnowed out the false scriptures.  The Church compiled, ordered, and provided The Bible.

By 500 A.D., “The Thousand Year Reign” of The Catholic Church over Western Christendom had begun.  It ended, a thousand years later, when Martin Luther renounced his Vows of Chastity, Obedience, and Poverty for sex, fame, and money.

Christendom continues to be confused by 45,000 denominations.  Each was invented by an ambitious Protestant man with a Marketing Plan.   Pride leads many to find one that makes them “feel good about myself”.


The Mercy of Jesus gives all of us the time we need to choose to get His “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”. ~ Question 1: “Did Jesus warn us about people who keep themselves and their neighbors from having ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’?” Answer: “Jesus told us what those bitter, angry […]

Peter and Paul meaningfully listened to The Prophet Isaiah. So should we! ~ Question 1: “Is it true: ‘The farther we are from God: The unhappier we are.’?” Answer: “It is God Who told us this in Is 41:13-20: ‘I am The Lord, your God, Who grasp your right hand. It is I who say […]

Question 1:  “Does Today’s Reading tell us what Willful Protestantism is?” Answer:  “John 3:11 defines Willful Protestantism!  ‘Amen, amen, I say to you;  we (Jesus, Pope Peter, His First Catholic Bishops, and their followers) speak of what we know and we testify to what we have seen, but you people (Willful Protestants!) do not accept […]