Souls 1. Catholics think about souls in two words: “Small” and “Simple”.

Why do Catholics begin to think about souls with a simple fact: grains of salt are very small?

Question 1: “Why do Catholics ‘Think Small’ about souls?”

Answer: “We think about ourselves. We realize we were all very ‘small’ when we were conceived.”


Question 2: “How big were we?”

Answer: “Each of us was the size of a tiny grain of salt.”


Question 3: “Were we smaller than the . at the end of a sentence?”

Answer: “Yes. We were smaller than the . at the end of this sentence.”


Question 4: “I see why Catholics “Think Small’! Does The Catholic Church have a way to ‘Think Simple’ about that?”

Answer: “The Catholic Church provides this Teaching: ‘Life must be protected from conception until natural death.’


Question 5: “Don’t all Christians believe that?”

Answer: “Most Christians understand that ‘life begins at conception’. Almost 48,000 Denominations of Willful Protestants now allow the tiniest unborn children be killed by pills and implants.”


“Question 6: “Why did Protestant Denominations stop teaching that ‘Life must be protected from conception until natural death.’?”

Answer: “Many people will pay to be told that their soul will be welcomed into Heaven.”


Question 7: “Do many Profiteers of Protestantism tell donors they may bring death to billions of the tiniest babies in their congregations?”

Answer: “Yes.”


Question 8: “Who believes them?”

Answer: “People who are not encouraged to ‘Think Small’ and ‘Think Simple’.”


Question 9: “What does ‘Thinking Small’ and ‘Thinking Simple’ let us understand about the human soul?”

Answer: “We know the human soul fits inside, or around, a baby smaller than this: . ”


Question 10: “What more does every Christian know about our soul?”

Answer: “We know our soul will go to God’s Judgment. Revelation 6:9 tells that the souls who were killed for “witnessing to life” are all ‘underneath God’s Altar’, crying out for ‘Vengeance!’


Question 11: “Were those billions of tiny souls ‘witnesses for life’ when tiny their bodies were killed?”

Answer: “What else could they be?”


Question 12: “Did Jesus Christ give His Catholic priests The Authority to forgive the sin of bringing death to unborn children?”

Answer: “Jesus Christ promised us that Catholic priests would have This Power in John 20:23.
‘Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.’


Question 13: “Who would reject that forgiveness?”

Answer: “People who do not ‘Think Small’ and do not ‘Think Simple’.”

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