Souls 2. Catholics see how big a grain of salt is!

Catholics ask: Is our whole world inside that tiny grain of salt no bigger than this . ?

Question 1: “I did not realize how big a grain of salt is! We were that tiny at our conception. Does our soul fit inside, or around, that grain of salt no bigger than this . ?”

Answer: “Our soul is an eternal wisp. It was in, and/or around, the grain of salt that was our size when we came into being at our conception.”


Question 2: “How many molecules are in that one grain of salt?”

Answer: It has been estimated there are “3.09^18 molecules, (309,000,000,000,000,000,000?) in one grain of salt. That is around one quintillion!


Question 3: “Could our immortal soul be the size of one of the ‘atoms’ in that grain of salt? How many atoms and component electrons, neutrons, and protons could there be inside that grain of salt?”

Answer: “Septillions!”


Question 4: “I am staggered by that tiny bit of Creation! How can we imagine God’s Power to Speak all Creation into Being?”

Answer: “Catholic Fundamentalism suggests that every part of Creation is an ongoing echo of God’s Word. Some ‘echoes’ of His Word take eternal, living form in our soul. Our soul, like our face and fingerprint, is our special ‘echo’ of His Word. His Living Word echoes eternally in every immortal human soul.”


Question 5: “I can dimly see how everything in Creation could be ‘an echo of God’s Word.’ How long will His Words continue to ‘echo’?”

Answer: “Until the micro-second that God whispers: ‘Shush.’


Question 6: “What happens after that?”

Answer: “Every human soul will be called to Final Judgment. Each of us has written a ‘Book of Life’. Every Word we have spoken is written in ‘our autobiography’. And, in other people’s ‘book of life’ about us.”


Question 7: “What will Jesus do after He reads our ‘books of life’?”

Answer: “He will either say ‘Well done, thou good and faithful servant.’; or, He won’t.”


Question 8: “How can we write a good ‘book of life’ that He will judge favorably?”

Answer: “‘The keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ open the door to being a good writer! We find them in The Church He Spoke Into Being with His Word:

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’

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