Souls 3. Catholics know! Every soul ends up in one of two places.

Catholics see the connection between our ‘grain of salt’ and all of Heaven and earth.

Question 1: “My immortal soul came into being when I was conceived. The ‘size’ of my soul is related to the ‘size’ of the ‘grain of salt’ I was at my conception. What was in my ‘grain of salt’?

Answer: “Look at your fingerprints! Those designs were ‘in’ that ‘grain of salt’. So was every unique characteristic that is you!”


Question 2: “Every atom in every molecule in the genetic blueprint of my DNA came into being at my conception. Is that true of every human being who ever lived?”

Answer: “God has allowed a hundred billion people to come into being! Countless quintillions of their unique gifts all reflect The Glory of God!


Question 3: “If we are all different, then can’t we have different ideas about God?”

Answer: “There are only two ideas about God: We either think His Words are worthy of obedience, or we don’t.


Question 4: “Isn’t that making things too simple?”

Answer: “Things are simple! The souls of His obedient ‘friends’ are with Him, forever in Heaven. The souls of His willfully disobedient enemies are not.”


Question 5: “I make thousands of decisions every day! Can I make those decisions be obedient to God?”

Answer: “We must not let any decision contradict Any Teaching from God.”


Question 6: “I know that Jesus Christ Fulfilled the Prophecies! I believe in Jesus! Isn’t that enough?”

Answer: “Belief without obedience lets the demons of pride keep our soul from Heaven. We should obey Every Teaching of Jesus Christ.


Question 7: “Demons? Did they live in the ‘grain of salt’ I used to be?

Answer: “Seven tribes of demons (pride, envy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust, and sloth) joined to cause The Original Sin. Those ‘living electrons of Willful Disobedience’ were written into our DNA from Adam and Eve’s Willful Disobedience to Words of God.”


Question 8: “Is that why Baptism is so important?”

Answer: “Yes. Baptism with Water in The Name of The Father and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit drives those demons out of the person that our ‘grain of salt’ became!”


Question 9: “Why do people commit sins after they have been Baptized?”

Answer: “We have Free Will for our whole life. We may choose to let demons lead us to disobey Words of God as long as we live.”


Question 10: “Should we obey This Teaching from Him? ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’

Answer: “Everyone is free to ask God for The Grace to ‘get those Keys’!”

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