Souls 5. Catholics know: “Every human soul does one of two things.”

We have free will. We are here to decide how brightly our soul will shine forever.

Question 1: “What are the two things that every soul does?”

Answer: “They get brighter or dimmer.”


Question 2: “What makes a soul become brighter?”

Answer: “Getting closer to God.”


Question 3: “Why is the ‘brightness’ of our soul important?”

Answer: “Our soul will go to God’s Judgment. He does not let ‘dark souls’ into Heaven.”


Question 4: “What makes a soul ‘dark’?”

Answer: “Souls get darker as they move farther from God.”


Question 5: “Right now, my soul is bright enough to let me think about it. How can my soul glow more brightly?”

Answer: “By taking in more Words of God.”


Question 6: “How do we ‘take in Words of God‘?”

Answer: “There are Three Steps. First, we read and believe His Words. That makes our soul brighter.”


Question 7: “What is the Second Step closer to God?”

Answer: “Obeying His Teachings. That makes our soul shine more brightly.”


Question 8: “What is the Third Step? ”

Answer: “We obey The Teachings that will allow us to ‘receive’ The Actual Word of God within us.”


Question 9: “How do we do that?”

Answer: “Jesus Christ is The Living Word of God. He repeated His call to Catholic Communion fourteen times! ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’


Question 10: “Where can we find That Holy Food to bring His ‘life’ and ‘light’ to our soul?”

Answer: “The Word of God lives in us when we receive Holy Communion from a Catholic priest. They are ordained in Living Link with the Disciples He Ordained as His First Catholic Bishops. They have Christ’s Authority to change bread and wine into His Body and Blood by The Miracle of Transubstantiation.”


Question 11: “It is hard for me to believe that. What will happen if I reject That Holy Food?”

Answer: “Rejecting Any Teaching of Jesus Christ makes our soul darker and farther from God.”


Question 12: “If I do what is necessary to worthily receive Catholic Communion, will my soul shine brightly enough to get into Heaven?”

Answer: “Yes.”

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